best food in hanoi - top 5 dishesThis list of the best food in Hanoi is for you, if you are traveling in Hanoi in 2017 and want to make sure you fill your stomach space with some great food! Make sure you try these 5 best Hanoi dishes that are sure to leave you satisfied.

Besides this, we have also picked up the other best food recommendations in neighboring countries at the bottom of this page. don’t forget to check them out!

Best Food in Hanoi – List of 5 Dishes:

Let’s not drag, here is the list of our best food in Hanoi:

1. Cà Phê Trứng or Egg Coffee

You heard it, Egg Coffee! This delightful drink is made up of whisked egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk, and Vietnamese coffee! You’ll wish all coffee tasted like this. There’s even a chocolate version of it.

egg coffee1

2. Nom Thit Bo Kho or Dried Beef Papaya Salad

This salad is a result of a delicious mixture of ingredients. It’s made of dried beef, papaya, herbs, and toasted peanuts all mixed up with the sauce. This dish is usually served in layers requiring you to mix up the flavors at your table.

Dried Beef Papaya Salad

3. Kem Chanh – Rice Ice Cream

This is a snack you can get your hands on in any grocery store. You might think it’s just a popsicle but we guarantee it’s like something you’ve never had before. The creaminess from the rice milk makes this ice cream a rich and flavorful dessert. Signature flavors to watch out for are coconut and peppermint!

Kem Chanh Rice Icecream

Kem Chanh Rice Icecream


4.  Bo Bia Ngot – Coconut Sweet Wrap

This delicious Hanoi dish is made of shredded coconut, black sesame seed, and palm sugar wrapped in a crepe like roll. It’s a pretty healthy and light snack because of the use of palm sugar, so you can eat away without feeling too guilty.

Bo BIa Ngot Coconut Wrap

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The neighboring countries also offer great foods to eat. Try this  food tour in Jakarta! 

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5. Pho

This Vietnamese noodle soup is arguably the most popular dish in the country. The locals have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It is made up of a broth mixed with noodles, meat, and herbs.
